Friday, October 17, 2008


-I am very disturbed by the amount of sludge left at the bottom of my coffee cup at the end of the day. I probably should be drinking more water.
-I spend a lot of time talking about my cat. If I weren't engaged I'd be very concerned about the chances of becoming that crazy cat lady who volunteers at the school cafeteria.
-My microwave has been broken for 3 days, and I've decided it's too heavy to move. And then I realized this is why people use their old TVs as stands for their new TVs.
-I've decided wedding planning is where type-A people like me come to die. You think that it would be GREAT for people like me. But it turns out that changes like crab cake instead of salmon puffs reduce me to tears.
-I've recently discovered I'm completely unstable. (See above.)
-I miss writing, but I don't have the time. And yet somehow I managed to re-organize my tupperware cabinet. It had to be done, mind you, for fear that people would find themselves under a mountain of containers if they opened the cabinet door. But I still can't seem to justify the hour I spent purging food storage aids.